As part of the mid-term evaluation of the project, NordicPATH prepared a series of posters to present some of the research activities we have initiated in our attempt to co-create more sustainable Nordic cities. Today we would like to introduce you to the second of them (you can check the first one here), which focuses on the NordicPATH model of participation in our Urban Living Labs.
The Urban Living Labs are some of the key elements of the NordicPATH project. Our Living Labs are the hubs in which we engage citizens, policy-makers, experts and industries in activities with the aim of co-creating urban solutions that respond to the needs of our pilot cities (Kristiansand in Norway, Lappeenranta in Finland, Aalborg in Denmark, and Gothenburg in Sweden). But, what is exactly an Urban Living Lab? What do they do? How do they operate?
Throughout the project, we have been researching this form of organization and trying to find our very own definition. Despite still being a work-in-progress, we came up with a model that reflects on the actions, the participants, the aims, and the context of each pilot city, and the commonalities shared by all the Living Labs.

Published by vitaller